“7 Proven Guidelines for Crafting High-Ranking and Click-Worthy Blog Post Titles” 

 December 28, 2022

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Crafting compelling and SEO-friendly blog post titles is a critical part of blogging. It can help you get more clicks, attract readers, and improve your SEO ranking. But creating a great blog post title is easier said than done. You need to grab your reader’s attention, convey the main idea of your post, and include relevant keywords to optimize your content for search engines. In this post, we’ll share 7 proven guidelines for crafting high-ranking and click-worthy blog post titles.

1. Use Numbers and Lists:
Numbered list posts are among the most popular and shared content formats on the web. People love to read articles that offer them practical and actionable tips in a clear and concise format. By using numbers in your titles, you can promise a specific value proposition to your readers. For instance, “7 Proven Guidelines for Crafting High-Ranking and Click-Worthy Blog Post Titles.”

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2. Use Power Words:
Power words are words that evoke strong emotions and interest in your readers. They can spark curiosity, create urgency, and motivate action. Examples of power words include “Secrets,” “Proven,” “Ultimate,” “Surprising,” “Unleash,” and “Revolutionary.” Incorporating power words in your title has the potential to grab your reader’s attention and entice them to read your article.

3. Keep it Short and Simple:
Blog post titles that are short, simple, and easy to read often perform better than long and complicated titles. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unclear to your audience. A short and simple title conveys a clear message that is easy to understand and remember.

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4. Focus on the Benefits:
People are always looking for ways to solve their problems and improve their lives. By focusing on the benefits of your blog post, you can appeal to your reader’s needs and desires. For example, “How to lose weight in 30 days without starving yourself.” This title promises a specific benefit that is relevant to someone looking to lose weight.

5. Use Questions:
Asking a question in your blog post title can be an effective way to engage your readers and pique their curiosity. A well-crafted question can inspire readers to click on your post and find out more. For example, “Why do we need sleep?” This title poses a question that many people may have and entices them to read the article to find out the answer.

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6. Incorporate Keywords:
Keywords are critical to optimizing your content for search engines. By including relevant keywords in your blog post title, you can improve your search engine ranking and attract more traffic to your blog. But be careful not to overuse keywords or use irrelevant keywords just to rank higher in search results.

7. Test Your Titles:
The final step in crafting high-ranking and click-worthy blog post titles is to test them. Try writing multiple versions of your headline and test them to see which one performs better. Tools like CoSchedule Headline Analyzer or SEORCH Title Tag Preview can help you evaluate your headlines and provide suggestions for improvement.

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Creating compelling and SEO-friendly blog post titles takes some effort, but it’s worth it. By following these 7 guidelines, you can craft high-ranking and click-worthy blog post titles that attract readers and boost your SEO ranking. Remember to use power words, keep it short, focus on the benefits, use numbers, and questions, incorporate keywords, and test your titles.


1. Why are blog post titles important?
Blog post titles are important because they determine whether someone clicks on your article or not. A good title can grab attention, spark curiosity, and entice someone to read your post.

2. How long should a blog post title be?
Blog post titles should be short, between 6-10 words, and no more than 60 characters. This length ensures that your title is easily readable and shareable on social media.

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3. What are power words?
Power words are words that evoke strong emotions and interest in your readers. Examples of power words include “Secrets,” “Proven,” “Ultimate,” “Surprising,” “Unleash,” and “Revolutionary.”

4. Should I use questions in my blog post titles?
Yes, using questions in your blog post titles can be a great way to pique your reader’s curiosity and entice them to click on your post. However, ensure the question is relevant to your article.

5. How do I test my blog post titles?
You can test your blog post titles by writing multiple versions of your headline and testing them to see which one performs better. Tools like CoSchedule Headline Analyzer or SEORCH Title Tag Preview can help you evaluate your headlines and provide suggestions for improvement.

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