“Unleashing the Power of Local Economies with Michael Shuman: A Guide to Sustainable Growth” 

 February 14, 2023

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Unleashing the Power of Local Economies with Michael Shuman: A Guide to Sustainable Growth

Do you ever wonder why certain towns and cities thrive, while others struggle to make ends meet? Michael Shuman, an economist and author, believes that the key to sustainable growth lies in local economies.

In this blog post, we will explore the concepts and strategies presented by Michael Shuman in his book “Local Dollars, Local Sense: How to Shift Your Money from Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity.” We will discuss the importance of supporting local businesses, investing in local projects, and creating resilient communities.

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Let’s dive in!


For years, we have been taught that growth and progress are only achievable through globalization and large corporations. However, Michael Shuman challenges this idea and advocates for building strong local economies. According to him, local economies can create more stable, sustainable, and equitable communities.

The Importance of Supporting Local Businesses

Local businesses are the backbone of local economies. Not only do they provide jobs, but they also create a sense of community and identity. When we support local businesses, we keep our money circulating in the local economy.

By supporting local businesses, we also help reduce the carbon footprint by reducing the transportation of goods over long distances. Furthermore, local businesses can adapt better to the specific needs and cultures of local communities.

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Investing in Local Projects

Investing in local projects, such as renewable energy, infrastructure development, and affordable housing, can have a significant impact on the local economy. According to Shuman, investing in local projects has a multiplier effect, meaning that the money spent continues to circulate within the local economy, multiplying the benefits.

By investing in local projects, we also reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and promote the development of sustainable practices.

Creating Resilient Communities

Resilient communities are those that are self-sufficient and can withstand economic and environmental shocks. To create resilient communities, we need to focus on local food systems, renewable energy, and alternative modes of transportation.

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Local food systems can reduce our dependence on global supply chains and promote healthier eating habits. Renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, can provide reliable and clean energy to communities. Alternative modes of transportation, such as walking, biking, and public transportation, can reduce our reliance on cars, reduce carbon emissions, and promote physical fitness.

How to Make Local Economies Work for You

Making local economies work for you starts with making a conscious effort to support and invest in local businesses and projects. Here are some tips to get started:

– Shop at local businesses
– Invest in local stocks and bonds
– Join a community-owned cooperative
– Volunteer for local projects
– Attend local events and festivals

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Q. Why is supporting local businesses important?

A. Supporting local businesses promotes job creation, community identity, and reduced carbon footprint.

Q. How can I invest in local projects?

A. You can invest in local projects by buying stocks or bonds from local businesses or investing in community-owned cooperatives.

Q. What are resilient communities?

A. Resilient communities are self-sufficient communities that can withstand economic and environmental shocks.

Q. How can I make a difference in my local economy?

A. You can make a difference in your local economy by supporting local businesses, investing in local projects, and volunteering for local initiatives.

Q. How can local economies reduce our dependence on fossil fuels?

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A. Local economies can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels by investing in renewable energy projects, promoting alternative modes of transportation, and creating resilient communities.

Q. Why is investing in local projects important?

A. Investing in local projects has a multiplier effect, meaning that the money spent continues to circulate within the local economy, multiplying the benefits.


By supporting local businesses, investing in local projects, and creating resilient communities, we can build stronger local economies that create more stable, sustainable, and equitable communities. We can reduce our dependence on global supply chains, create jobs, reduce carbon emissions, and promote healthier living. Let’s make a conscious effort to unleash the power of local economies and work towards a better future. Start by taking small steps, such as shopping at local businesses or volunteering for local projects, and see the impact grow. With the right strategy, we can achieve real prosperity and create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

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